Database on Mexican Patents and Inventors (1832-1911)

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Mexican Patents and Inventors (1832-1911)

This database was built by Vandari M. Mendoza during the elaboration of his PhD thesis "Las patentes de invención mexicanas. Instituciones, actores y artefactos (1821-1911)". The database was developed from the original patent files and register books at the Archivo General de la Nación.

Records: 4,000 patents registered by Mexican applicants.

Dates: 1832 to 1911

Fore more information and database access, please, contact Vandari M. Mendoza:

If you find the database useful, please, quote our articles and books. Add a note on your papers as follows: Vandari M. Mendoza (2015): Database on Mexican Patents and Inventors, 1832-1911, Morelia.


Vandari Mendoza