Mexico Patent Database (1840-1910)

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Mexico Patent Database (1840-1910)

This database was developed by Edward Beatty from the Memorias of the federal Development Ministry and annual volumes of Dublán and Lozano’s Legislación Mexicana for the period before 1890; the Diario Oficial de la Nación from 1890 until October 1903, and the Gaceta Oficial de Patentes y Marcas from 1903 to the onset of the Mexican revolution in 1911.

Records: 13,300 patents.

Dates: 1840 to 1910

Fore more information and database access, please, contact Edward Beatty:

If you find the database useful, please, quote our articles and books. Add a note on your papers as follows: Edward Beatty (2018): Mexico Patent Database (1840-1910), Univerity of Notre Dame (IN) (doi:10.7274/R0K64G4F).


Ted Beatty