Privilege Applications. Spain, 1826-1878
This database was built between 1991 and 1995 by Patricio Sáiz while elaborating his PhD thesis: Invención, patentes e innovación en España (1759-1878) (Invention, Patents and Innovation in Spain, 1759 to 1878). In doing so, I used the original patent files at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Officce's archive.
Records: 5,113 privileges of invention and introduction.
Dates: 27 March 1826 to 31 July 1878
If you find the database useful, please, quote articles and books. Add a note in your papers as follows: Patricio Sáiz (2000): Base de datos de solicitudes de privilegios. España, 1826-1878 / Database on Privilege Applications. Spain, 1826-1878, OEPM-UAM (1991-1995), Madrid.