David Andersson

Postdoctoral Researcher (UU)

Master of Science in Business and Economics (major: Economics)

The economics of IPR, patent strategy, Markets for technology, innovation and technological change, patents and inventive activity, intermediaries in the patent market, social network analysis

Brief CV More Information


The Swedish Patent Database, 1746-1975

From 2018-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Supported by: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Reference: IN17-0954:1)

Redes de colaboración e invención en América Latina: evidencia empírica a partir de datos de patentes / Collaboration and Invention Networks in Latin America: Empirical Evidence from Patent Data

From 2019-03-01 to 2021-02-28
Supported by: Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (Reference: FMV_3_2018_1_148242)

Skyddad eller oskyddad? Svenska snilleföretags patentstrategier runt sekelskiftet 1900 / Protected or Not Protected? Swedish Multinationals and their Patent Strategies at the Turn of the 20th Century

From 2011-08-01 to 2015-12-31
Supported by: Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse Tore Browaldhs Stiftelse (P2010-0183:1)

Databases & Online Resources

2022. Llorens, Fran; Saiz, Patricio; Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. Advanced Search Engine for Swedish Patents (1746-1945), UU-PRV (2018-2020). Uppsala.

Publisher Link

2015. Andersson, David. Patent Database. Sweden (1746-1914), LiU-UU. Linköping.

Publisher Link

News & Events

Patents as Scientific Information: Fom Agencies to Offices
2021 Apr 09 - 2021 Apr 09

Bellido, José; Saiz, Patricio; Andersson, David

Testing Networks' Resilience: The Impact of Institutional Shocks on Spanish Emerging Innovation Networks (1878-1939)
2019 May 27 - 2019 May 28

Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio; Andersson, David

Testing Networks' Resilience: The Impact of Institutional Shocks on Spanish Emerging Innovation Networks (1878-1939)
2019 May 22 - 2019 May 22

Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio; Andersson, David

Patent Networks, Collaboration Patterns, and National Innovation Systems. Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution
2018 Apr 04 - 2018 Apr 07

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio

Patent Networks, Collaboration Patterns, and National Innovation Systems. Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution
2017 Nov 17 - 2017 Nov 18

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio

Innovation Networks and Collaboration: Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution
2017 Aug 24 - 2017 Aug 26

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio

Patent Networks, Collaboration Patterns, and National Innovation Systems. Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution
2017 Jul 25 - 2017 Jul 26

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio

Small Differences, Great Divergences: Collaboration Patterns and Innovation Networks in Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution
2017 May 26 - 2017 May 27

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio

Patent Networks, Collaboration Patterns, and National Innovation Systems. Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution
2017 Mar 27 - 2017 Mar 27

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio

Patents and Inventors, 1800-1939
2016 Mar 30 - 2016 Mar 30

Nuvolari, Alessandro; Andersson, David; Saiz, Patricio; Streb, Jochen; Vasta, Michelangelo

The Structure of Markets for Technology in Sweden, 1885-1914
2015 Jun 27 - 2015 Jun 27

Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik

Networks of Innovation: New Data from Sweden and Spain (1819-1914) - A Research Agenda
2015 May 18 - 2015 May 18

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio; Tell, Fredrik

Working Papers

2017. Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio. Patent Networks, Collaboration Patterns, and National Innovation Systems. Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution, UAM Working Papers in Economic History, 2017(02), SSRN.com.

Publisher Link

2014. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. Patent Agents and the Emerging Markets for Patenting Services in Sweden, 1885-1915, Working Paper in Economic History, 2014(01), Academia.edu.

PDF Link

2014. Andersson, David. How does Stronger Patent Laws Affect Trade in Technology? Evidence from Swedish Patent Transfers 1871-1914, Working Paper in Economic History, 2014(2), Academia.edu.

PDF Link


2019. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. "From Fighting Monopolies to Promoting Industry: Patent Laws and Innovation in Sweden 1819–1914", Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook 60(1), (123-156).
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2019. Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio. "Patent Collaboration Networks in Sweden and Spain during the Second Industrial Revolution", Industry and Innovation 26(9), (1075-1102).
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2018. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. "The Market for Patents in Sweden: Past and Present", Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review 1(2), (6-17).
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2016. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. "Patent Agents and the Emerging Market for Patenting Services in Sweden, 1885-1914", Entreprises et Histoire (forthcoming).
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