Fredrik Tell

Professor of Business Studies (Uppsala University)

PhD. in Business Administration (Linköping University)

Graduate in Management and Philosophy (Linköping University)

Innovation, knowledge integration, patent strategies, project-based organizations

Brief CV More Information


The Swedish Patent Database, 1746-1975

From 2018-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Supported by: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Reference: IN17-0954:1)

日本の企業・アメリカの企業・ドイツの企業-総合電機企業の比較史的研究-/ International Comparative Studies on Electrical Enterprises: Japanese, American, and German Companies

From 2016-04-01 to 2019-03-31
Supported by: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS-KAKENHI) (Ref. 16H03646)

Skyddad eller oskyddad? Svenska snilleföretags patentstrategier runt sekelskiftet 1900 / Protected or Not Protected? Swedish Multinationals and their Patent Strategies at the Turn of the 20th Century

From 2011-08-01 to 2015-12-31
Supported by: Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse Tore Browaldhs Stiftelse (P2010-0183:1)

Databases & Online Resources

2022. Llorens, Fran; Saiz, Patricio; Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. Advanced Search Engine for Swedish Patents (1746-1945), UU-PRV (2018-2020). Uppsala.

Publisher Link

News & Events

The Structure of Markets for Technology in Sweden, 1885-1914
2015 Jun 27 - 2015 Jun 27

Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik

Networks of Innovation: New Data from Sweden and Spain (1819-1914) - A Research Agenda
2015 May 18 - 2015 May 18

Andersson, David; Galaso, Pablo; Saiz, Patricio; Tell, Fredrik

Working Papers

2014. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. Patent Agents and the Emerging Markets for Patenting Services in Sweden, 1885-1915, Working Paper in Economic History, 2014(01),

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2020. Bengtsson, Marie; Enberg, Cecilia; Tell, Fredrik. "Foolishness without Consequence? From Physical to Virtual Modeling in the History of Military Aircraft Development at Saab", Industrial and Corporate Change 29(1), (forthcoming).
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2019. Melander, Lisa; Tell, Fredrik. "Inter-Firm and Intra-Firm Coordination of Buyer-Supplier Collaborations in New Product Development under Conflicts of Interest", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (34)4, (850-861).
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2019. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. "From Fighting Monopolies to Promoting Industry: Patent Laws and Innovation in Sweden 1819–1914", Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook 60(1), (123-156).
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2018. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. "The Market for Patents in Sweden: Past and Present", Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review 1(2), (6-17).
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2016. Andersson, David; Tell, Fredrik. "Patent Agents and the Emerging Market for Patenting Services in Sweden, 1885-1914", Entreprises et Histoire (forthcoming).
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2016. Henry, Lopez-Vega; Tell, Fredrik. "Where and How to Search? Search Paths in Open Innovation", Research Policy 45(1), (125-136).
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2015. Bengtsson, Lars; Lakemond, Nicolette; Lazzarotti, Valentina; Manzini, Raffaella; Pellegrini, Luisa ; Tell, Fredrik. "Open to a Select Few? Matching Partners and Knowledge Content for Open Innovation Performance", Creativity and Innovation Management 24(1), (72-86).
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2014. Melander, Lisa; Tell, Fredrik. "Uncertainty in Collaborative NPD: Effects on the Selection of Technology and Supplier", Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 31, (103-119).
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2011. Söderlund, Jonas; Tell, Fredrik. "Strategy and Capabilities in the P-form Corporation: Linking Strategic Direction to Organizational Capabilities", in Cattani, Gino; Ferriani, Simone; Frederiksen, Lars; Täube, Florian (eds.), Advances in Strategic Management: Project-Based Organizing and Strategic Management, Emerald. Bingley, (235-263).
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2009. Bergek, Anna; Berggren, Christian; Tell, Fredrik. "Do Technology Strategies Matter? A Comparison of Two Electrical Engineering Corporations, 1988-1998", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 21(4), (445-470).
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