Trabajo, salarios reales y consumo en la España preindustrial. Midiendo las divergencias en perspectiva regional e internacional / Labour, Real Wages and Consumption in Preindustrial Spain. Measuring Divergences in Regional and International perspectives

Supported by: Ministerio de Investigación y Ciencia (Referencia HAR2016-78026-P)
From: 2017-01-01 To: 2019-12-31
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Leading Researcher

López-Losa, Ernesto  

IBC Network members

Fernández-de-Pinedo, Nadia


The research focus on: 1) expanding the available evidence by augmenting the stock of prices of different consumption goods (foodsuffs, textiles, housing, energy). It also aims to deepen into the analysis of the price differences regading qualities of some of the basic items in the consumption baskets such as bread or wine. 2) Improving the existing knowledge on consumption patterns according to regional and social differences. It would make possible to refine estimations and to avoid distortions in interpretations caused by the use of inaccurate budgets. It also would help to explore the impact of the cost of living on labour’s rewards and to speculate about its influence in the economic performace at regional level in Spain. 3) Increasing the evidence on wages and salaries by expanding the research from unskilled workers to more labor categories, including wages of women. 4) Expanding the existing computations of real wages for unskilled to skilled labourers and, in general, to a wider variety of occupational categories. Delving into the comparison of real wages, at regional and international level, with respect to hypothetical welfare lines of poverty, subsistence or respectability. 5) Increasing the evidence on the number of days effectively worked to support and verify the hypothesis steaming from the research on the theoretical working days computed from religious calendars. 6) Studying urban consumption patterns by social and economic strata, with particular emphasis in textiles and overseas goods.